Rockiness Class (optional)

Attribute definition
Attribute Label ROCKINESS
Title Rockiness Class (optional)

Occurrence of rock outcrops at the surface of the soil.

Classes Rockiness: 6 classes. First used in DSS 2.0

Code Class Description
0 Nonrocky land

Bedrock exposures do not interfere seriously with tillage. Exposures, if present, are generally more than 100m apart and cover less than 2% of the surface.

1 Slightly rocky land

The bedrock exposures interfere with tillage but not enough to make intertilled crops impracticable. Depending on the pattern and how it affects tillage, rock exposures are roughly 35-100m apart and cover 2-10% of the surface.

2 Moderately rocky land

Sufficient bedrock exposures to make tillage of intertilled crops impracticable, but soil can be worked for hay crops or improved pasture if other soil characteristics are favorable. Rock exposures are roughly 10 - 35m apart and cover 10-25%; of the surface, depending upon the pattern.

3 Very rocky land

The rock outcrops make all use of machinery impracticable, except for small machinery. Where other soil characteristics are favorable the land may have some use for native pasture or forests. Rock exposures or patches of soil too thin over rock for use are roughly 3.5-10m apart and cover 25-50% of the surface depending on the pattern.

4 Exceedingly rocky land

Sufficient rock outcrop or insufficient depth of soil over rock makes all use of machinery impracticable. The land may have some value for poor pasture or forestry. Rock outcrops are less than 3.5m apart and cover 50-90% of the area.

5 Excessively rocky land

Land on which over 90% of the surface is exposed bedrock (rock outcrop).

# Not Applicable

Not Applicable

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