Kind of Surface Material

Attribute definition
Attribute Label KINDMAT
Title Kind of Surface Material
Description Kind of soil, rock outcrop or other material at the surface.
Classes Kind of surface material: 10 classes. First used in SLC 1.0.

Code Class Description
SO Mineral soil

Predominantly mineral particles; contains <30% organic matter as measured by weight.

OR Organic soil

Contains >30% organic matter as measured by weight.

R1 Soft rock

Rock that can be dug with a shovel (i.e. undifferentiated shales, upper Cretaceous and Tertiary materials).

R2 Hard rock, acidic


R3 Hard rock, basic


R4 Hard rock

Hard rock of unspecified origin and undifferentiated properties.

F Rock field

Frost-heaved bedrock, rock slides and talus material.

UR Urban

Urban areas. Note that only a few major urban area polygons are included on maps, therefore, do not use for tabulating total urban coverage.

IC Ice and snow

Glacial ice and permanent snow.

WA Water


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