Description of soil BCWLAbo~~~N (WILLIAMS LAKE)

General Characteristics
Classification O.GL

Orthic Gray Luvisol

Profile Native soil profile

The soil is in native condition (undisturbed by agriculture).

Kind of material Mineral

The soil material is primarily composed of mineral particles.

Water table Unspecified period

The water table is present in the soil during an unspecified period.

Root restrictions Seventh layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the seventh layer.

Type of root restricting layer Compact Till

Compact (Basal) Till

Drainage Moderately well drained

Water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly in relation to supply. Excess water is removed somewhat slowly due to low perviousness, shallow water table, lack of gradient, or some combination of these. Soils have intermediate to high water storage capacity (5-6 cm) within the control section and are usually medium to fined textured. Precipitation is the dominant water source in medium to fine textured soils; precipitation and significant additions by subsurface flow are necessary in coarse textured soils.

Parent Materials
Mode of Deposition Texture Chemical properties
Till (Morainal)

Morainal material (till) deposited by glacial ice: a mixture of boulders, sand, silt, and clay.

Medium Skeletal

Medium Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGSL, VGL).

Moderately / Very Strongly Calcareous

6 - 40 CaCO3 equivalent (%)

Soil Layer Characteristics

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