Description of soil MBSZR4~~~~A (St. Lazare Complex)

General Characteristics
Classification O.DGC

Orthic Dark Gray Chernozem

Profile Agricultural soil profile

The soil has been disturbed by agriculture.

Kind of material Unclassified

This material was not classified due to an absence of information or an unusual situation, such as rockland or an extremely shallow soil.

Water table Never

The water table is not present in the soil at any time.

Root restrictions Not applicable

Non-applicable (e.g. rock, ice).

Type of root restricting layer n/a

Not Applicable

Drainage Well drained

Water is removed from the soil readily but not rapidly. Excess water flows downward readily into underlying pervious material or laterally as subsurface flow. Soils have intermediate available water storage capacity (4-5 cm) within the control section, and are generally intermediate in texture and depth. Water source is precipitation. On slopes subsurface flow may occur for short durations, but additions are equaled by losses.

Parent Materials
Mode of Deposition Texture Chemical properties

Massive to moderately-well stratified, nonsorted to poorly sorted sediments with any range of particle sizes from clay to boulders that have reached their present position only by direct, gravity-induced movement. Processes include slow displacements such as creep and solifluction and rapid movements such as earth flows.




Undifferentiated acidity and/or calcareousness

Soil Layer Characteristics

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