Vertic Dark Brown Chernozem (V.DBC)

Common horizon sequence: Ah or Ahk, Ae or Aej, Bm or Bmk, Btj or Bnjtj, Bvj, Bss or Bkss or Ckss, Ck

These soils have the general properties specified for the Chernozemic order and the Dark Brown Chernozem great group. They may have any horizons in the upper solum common to other subgroups within the Dark Brown Chernozem great group. However, they differ from other subgroups by having properties indicative of intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bss, Bkss or Ckss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral soil surface. As well, they may have a weak vertic horizon (Bvj or BCvj).

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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