Dark Brown Solod (DB.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated with mesophytic grasses and forbs in a semiarid to subhumid climate. Evidence of former eroded pits is common in areas of these soils, but the depressions are shallow and grass covered.

Dark Brown Solods have an Ah, Ahe or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and 3.5-4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae, AB or BA, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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