National Ecological Framework (8 of 23)

Regional Landform

These data are presented as a set of components within each polygon. The following attributes are included:

CMP Component Number (arbitrary)
PERCENT Percent of polygon occupied by the component
LANDFORM Regional Landform

Regional landform include classes of landform that generally describe a region.  The following table shows the class definitions that are used.

Or (Tableland
Comparatively flat areas of great extent commonly bounded on at least one side by an abrupt escarpment, or may be terminated by mountains; may be dissected by deep valleys and deeply incised rivers; may be tectonic, erosional, or volcanic in origin; may be step-faulted; slopes generally <10%, in some places 10-15%; relief generally <50 m.
H HILLAND Natural elevations rising prominently above the surrounding plain and having a recognizably denser pattern of generally higher knolls or crest lines with an irregular or chaotic surface form composed of upper surface convexity and lower concavity; includes hummocky morainal material, volcanic cones, and conical hills or lava; slopes generally 10 - 30%; relief generally <100 m.
M MOUNTAIN Erosional and volcanic landscapes with relief (vertical distance between higher and lower parts)>=300 m with most of the area comprising valley to summit terrain; slopes generally >30%. In general the terrain has a restricted summit area and steep sides, irregular shape and considerable bare rock surface, or very thin soil cover; occur as a single, isolated feature or in a group forming a long chain or range; major scarps are relatively steep and straight cliff-like slopes of considerable linear extent separating surfaces such as plateaus lying at different levels.
O ORGANIC WETLAND Areas dominated by organic material >40 cm thick; contains >30% organic matter by weight; occurs in a variety of wetland surface forms.
P PLAIN Flat to very gently undulating areas having few or no prominent irregularities; formed by erosional or by depositional (or constructional) processes; include broad continuous, gently sloping piedmont plains extending along and from the base of a mountain, formed by lateral coalescence of a series of separate but confluent alluvial fans; alluvial processes are mainly responsible for the sedimentation; coarse fragments are rounded by transport over relatively long distances; slopes generally <6% relief generally <10 m; extent generally >5 km in one direction.
S SCARP An escarpment, cliff, or steep slope of some extent along the margin of a terrace, bench, plateau, hill, or mesa; a scarp may be of any height.
V VALLEY Terrain dominated by major spillways, drainage ways, or mountain trenches separated from surrounding landforms by a significant and abrupt break in slope; the valley profile may be V- or U-shaped with an extensive valley floor and flood plain up to about 5 km wide; valley profile may also include eroded terraces and their irregular slope segments.


SOIL LANDSCAPES OF CANADA (SLC) V.2.2 (1996), National Soil DataBase, Canadian Soil Information System.  Available at : /cansis/nsdb/slc/v2.2/

Shields, J.A., C. Tarnocai, K.W.G. Valentine, and K.B. MacDonald. 1991. Soil Landscapes of Canada - Procedures Manual and User's Handbook. LRRC Contribution Number 88-29, Land resource Research Centre, research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa,74pp. This manual is superceded by the Internet version available at: /cansis/nsdb/slc/index.html

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