Rooting Depth, unrestricted
Attribute Label | ROOTDP |
Title | Rooting Depth, unrestricted |
Description | The depth to which plant roots can penetrate without encountering a cemented layer or bedrock. |
Classes | Rooting Depth, unrestricted: 5 classes. First used in SLC 2.2. Identical class definitions to version 1.0, but codes differ. |
Code | Class | Description |
A | < 20 cm | Rooting depth < 20 cm. |
B | 20 - 75 cm | Rooting depth at 20 - 75 cm. |
C | > 75-150 cm | Rooting depth at > 75-150 cm. |
D | > 150 cm | Rooting depth of >150 cm. |
# | Not applicable | Non-applicable (e.g. rock, ice). |