Parent material texture - first (uppermost)
Attribute Label | PMTEX1 |
Title | Parent material texture - first (uppermost) |
Description | The texture class of the underlying parent material. First used in SLC 3.0. |
Classes | Parent Material Texture. 18 classes. First used in SNT 3.0. |
Code | Class | Description |
VC | Very Coarse | Very Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: VCS,CS,S,GS,CBS). |
C | Coarse | Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: FS,LCS,LS,LFS,GLS,CBLS). |
MC | Moderately Coarse | Moderately Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: VFS,LVFS,CSL,SL,FSL,GSL,CBSL,GFSL). |
M | Medium | Medium (USDA Texture Classes: VFSL,L,SIL,SI,GL,GSIL). |
MF | Moderately Fine | Moderately Fine (USDA Texture Classes: SCL,FSCL,VFSCL,CL,SICL,GSCL,GL,CBCL). |
F | Fine | Fine (USDA Texture Classes: SC,SIC,C,GSIC). |
VF | Very Fine | Very Fine (USDA Texture Classes: HC (more than 60% clay). |
CS | Coarse Skeletal | Coarse Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGS, VGLS). |
MS | Medium Skeletal | Medium Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGSL, VGL). |
FS | Fine Skeletal | Fine Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGC). |
FR | Fragmental | Fragmental |
SM | Stratified (Mineral) | Stratified (Mineral) |
SU | Stratified (Mineral and Organic) | Stratified (Mineral and Organic) |
FI | Fibric | Fibric |
ME | Mesic | Mesic |
HU | Humic | Humic |
UD | Undifferentiated | Undifferentiated |
- | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |