Parent material texture - second

Attribute definition
Attribute Label PMTEX2
Title Parent material texture - second

The texture class of the second underlying parent material. First used in SLC 3.0.

Classes Parent Material Texture. 18 classes. First used in SNT 3.0.

Code Class Description
VC Very Coarse

Very Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: VCS,CS,S,GS,CBS).

C Coarse

Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: FS,LCS,LS,LFS,GLS,CBLS).

MC Moderately Coarse

Moderately Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: VFS,LVFS,CSL,SL,FSL,GSL,CBSL,GFSL).

M Medium

Medium (USDA Texture Classes: VFSL,L,SIL,SI,GL,GSIL).

MF Moderately Fine

Moderately Fine (USDA Texture Classes: SCL,FSCL,VFSCL,CL,SICL,GSCL,GL,CBCL).

F Fine

Fine (USDA Texture Classes: SC,SIC,C,GSIC).

VF Very Fine

Very Fine (USDA Texture Classes: HC (more than 60% clay).

CS Coarse Skeletal

Coarse Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGS, VGLS).

MS Medium Skeletal

Medium Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGSL, VGL).

FS Fine Skeletal

Fine Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGC).

FR Fragmental


SM Stratified (Mineral)

Stratified (Mineral)

SU Stratified (Mineral and Organic)

Stratified (Mineral and Organic)

FI Fibric


ME Mesic


HU Humic


UD Undifferentiated


- Not Applicable

Not Applicable

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