Soil layer that restricts root growth

Attribute definition
Attribute Label ROOTRESTRI
Title Soil layer that restricts root growth

Indicates the soil layer that restricts root growth. "-" indicates "not applicable". Layers are numbered 0 if no restricting layer is present. Numbers 1-9 indicate that the layer is restrictive and this number can be linked to the LAYER_NO field in the SLT.

Classes Root restricting layer. 11 classes.

Code Class Description
0 No root restricting layer

The growth of plant roots is not restricted by any soil layer.

1 First layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the first (uppermost) layer.

2 Second layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the second layer.

3 Third layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the third layer.

4 Fourth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the fourth layer.

5 Fifth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the fifth layer.

6 Sixth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the sixth layer.

7 Seventh layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the seventh layer.

8 Eighth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the eighth layer.

9 Ninth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the ninth layer.

- Not applicable

Non-applicable (e.g. rock, ice).

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