Orthic Dystric Brunisol (O.DYB)
Common horizon sequence: LFH, Bm, C
These soils have the general properties specified for the Brunisolic order and the Dystric Brunisol great group. Usually they have organic surface horizons and brownish-colored, acid B horizons overlying acid C horizons.
Orthic Dystric Brunisols are identified by the following properties:
- They have a pH (0.01 M CaCl2) of less than 5.5 as specified for the great group.
- They have a Bm horizon at least 5 cm thick.
- They lack an eluvial horizon, Ae or Aej, at least 2 cm thick.
- They lack mottles that indicate gleying as specified for Gleyed Dystric Brunisols.
- They lack a duric horizon.
- They lack an Ah horizon at least 10 cm thick and an Ap horizon at least 10 cm thick with a moist color value of 4 or less.
Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.