Brunisolic Gray Brown Luvisol (BR.GBL)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, Bm or Bf, Ae, Bt, BC, Ck

These soils have the properties specified for the Luvisolic order and the Gray Brown Luvisol great group. They differ from Orthic Gray Brown Luvisols by having in the upper solum either a Bm horizon at least 5 cm thick with a chroma of 3 or more, or a Bf horizon less than 10 cm thick that does not extend below 15 cm. Such Bm or Bf horizons are thought to have developed in a former Ae horizon. If disturbance results in the Bm or Bf horizon being incorporated into the Ap, the disturbed soil is classified as an Orthic Gray Brown Luvisol.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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