Gleyed Gray Brown Luvisol (GL.GBL)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aegj, Btgj, Ckg

These soils have the properties specified for the Luvisolic order and the Gray Brown Luvisol great group. They differ from Orthic Gray Brown Luvisols by having either distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface, or prominent mottles at depths of 50-100 cm. Commonly the matrix colors are of lower chroma than those of associated, well-drained soils. Gleyed Gray Brown Luvisols generally have thicker and darker Ah horizons than well-drained subgroups on similar parent materials. The color and textural differences between the Ae and Bt horizons are generally less marked in the gleyed than in the orthic subgroup.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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