Solonetzic soils

Solonetz (SZ)

The soils of this great group usually have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon overlying the solonetzic B horizon; any Ae horizon is thin and usually discontinuous. The boundary between the A and B horizons is abrupt and usually occurs within 20 cm of the surface. The solonetzic B horizon (Bn or Bnt) is hard and commonly massive, breaking to angular blocky structure. It has a low hydraulic conductivity. Dark stainings occur commonly on ped surfaces in the B horizon, which usually has a neutral to strongly alkaline reaction and may contain carbonates. The C horizon is saline and usually calcareous.

Soils of the Solonetzic great group occur throughout the area of Solonetzic soils. The great group is usually associated with parent materials of high salinity on relatively arid sites.

These soils have a solonetzic B horizon (Bn or Bnt) and lack a continuous Ae horizon at least 2 cm thick. The Solonetz great group is divided into seven subgroups.

Brown Solonetz (B.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bn or Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They are associated with grass and forb vegetation and a subarid to semiarid climate. Areas of these soils often have patchy microrelief caused by differential erosion. The B horizon is exposed in some eroded pits. Plant growth in the eroded pits is usually very sparse.

Brown Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry, or an exposed solonetzic B horizon. They have neither a strongly alkaline (pH of 8.5 or more) A horizon nor faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Dark Brown Solonetz (DB.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bn or Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They are associated with mesophytic grasses and forbs in a semiarid climate. Areas of Dark Brown Solonetzs often have patchy microrelief caused by differential erosion of the A horizon. However, bare eroded pits are not as common as in areas of Brown Solonetzs.

Dark Brown Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and 3.5-4.5 dry, or an exposed solonetzic B horizon. Chromas of the surface horizon are usually higher than 1.5 dry. The soils have neither strongly alkaline (pH of 8.5 or more) A horizons nor faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Black Solonetz (BL.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They are associated mainly with the growth of mesophytic grasses and forbs in a subhumid climate. However, they occur also in areas of discontinuous shrub and tree cover with a ground cover of forbs and grasses. The microrelief associated with differential erosion of the A horizon in areas of Brown and Dark Brown Solonetzs occurs rarely in areas of Black Solonetzs.

Black Solonetzs have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and dry, and chromas usually less than 2 moist and dry. They have neither a strongly alkaline (pH of 8.5 or more) A horizon nor faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Alkaline Solonetz (A.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bn, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They are associated with highly saline materials and with mesophytic grasses and forbs that include alkali-tolerant species. The alkaline A horizon may be of any color including brown, black, and gray. Alkaline Solonetzs occupy a minor area and commonly occur in groundwater discharge sites.

Alkaline Solonetzs have a strongly alkaline A horizon (pH of 8.5 or more) and a solonetzic B horizon. They may have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Gleyed Brown Solonetz (GLB.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bngj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They differ from Brown Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Brown Solonetz (GLDB.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bngj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They differ from Dark Brown Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Black Solonetz (GLBL.SZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Bntgj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solonetz great group. They differ from Black Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Solodized Solonetz (SS)

The soils of this great group have a distinct Ae horizon and a hard columnar or prismatic solonetzic B horizon. The Ae horizon is at least 2 cm thick, usually has well-developed platy structure, and its reaction is acid to neutral. It has an abrupt boundary to a strongly expressed, intact, solonetzic B horizon. The Bnt or Bn horizon is hard to extremely hard when dry and usually has a columnar macrostructure with white-capped, coherent columns that break to blocky peds with dark coatings. Usually the Bnt horizon has many clay skins. The C horizon is saline and commonly calcareous.

The Solodized Solonetz great group is divided into eight subgroups.

Brown Solodized Solonetz (B.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, Bn or Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They are associated with grass and forb vegetation and a subarid to semiarid climate. Areas of this subgroup often have irregular microrelief caused by differential erosion of the A horizons. The eroded pits usually support only a very sparse plant cover.

Brown Solodized Solonetzs have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz (DB.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, Bn or Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They are associated with mesophytic grasses and forbs in a semiarid climate. Areas of Dark Brown Solodized Solonetzs commonly have irregular microrelief caused by differential erosion of the A horizons.

Dark Brown Solodized Solonetzs have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and 3.5-4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Black Solodized Solonetz (BL.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, Bnt or Bn, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They are associated mainly with mesophytic grass and forb vegetation and a subhumid climate. However, they also occur in areas of discontinuous shrub and tree vegetation with a ground cover of forbs and grasses. Differential erosion of the A horizon, which is common in areas of Brown and Dark Brown Solodized Solonetzs, seldom occurs in these soils.

Black Solodized Solonetzs have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 dry and chromas usually lower than 2 dry. They have Ae and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Dark Gray Solodized Solonetz (DG.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They are associated mainly with sparse forest vegetation, a ground cover of forbs and grasses, a subhumid climate, and saline parent material.

Dark Gray Solodized Solonetzs have an Ahe or Ap horizon with color values of 3.5-4.5 dry and chromas usually lower than 2 moist or dry. They have Ae and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They lack faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Gray Solodized Solonetz (G.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, Bnt, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They are usually associated with sparse forest vegetation, a subhumid climate, and Eluviated Black Chernozems or Dark Gray Luvisols developed from parent materials of lower salinity.

Gray Solodized Solonetzs have an Ahe, Ae, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually lower than 2 moist or dry. They have Ae and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Gleyed Brown Solodized Solonetz (GLB.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aegj, Bngj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They differ from Brown Solodized Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Brown Solodized Solonetz (GLDB.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah,Aegj, Bngj or Bntgj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They differ from Dark Brown Solodized Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Black Solodized Solonetz (GLBL.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aeg, Bntgj, Cskgj

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They differ from Black Solodized Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottling that indicates gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Gray Solodized Solonetz (GLDG.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Aegj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They differ from Dark Gray Solodized Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Gray Solodized Solonetz (GLG.SS)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Aegj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solodized Solonetz great group. They differ from Gray Solodized Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Solod (SO)

Besides an Ae horizon, the soils of this great group have an AB or BA horizon, which appears to have developed through degradation of the upper part of a former solonetzic B horizon. Both the Ae and AB horizons are usually platy. The upper boundary of the solonetzic B horizon is gradual and usually at greater depth than the B horizon of the associated Solonetzs and Solodized Solonetzs. The solonetzic B horizon commonly does not have strong columnar structure and usually breaks to blocky peds that are hard to very hard when dry. Clay skins are common to frequent in the B horizon. The Cs or Csa horizon commonly occurs below a Cca or Ck horizon.

Solods have a distinct Ae horizon at least 2 cm thick, an AB or BA horizon at least 5 cm thick, and a solonetzic B horizon. The great group is divided into eight subgroups.

Brown Solod (B.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated with grass and forb vegetation and a subarid to semiarid climate. In areas of these soils there is commonly evidence of previously eroded pits, but they are usually shallow and grass covered.

Brown Solods have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae, AB or BA, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Dark Brown Solod (DB.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated with mesophytic grasses and forbs in a semiarid to subhumid climate. Evidence of former eroded pits is common in areas of these soils, but the depressions are shallow and grass covered.

Dark Brown Solods have an Ah, Ahe or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and 3.5-4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae, AB or BA, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Black Solod (BL.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated mainly with mesophytic grasses and forbs in a subhumid climate, but they also occur in areas of thin or discontinuous shrub and tree cover.

Black Solods have an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They have Ae, AB or BA, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Dark Gray Solod (DG.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated with forest, shrub, and grass vegetation, a subhumid climate, and Eluviated Black Chernozems or Dark Gray Luvisols developed in materials of lower salinity.

Dark Gray Solods have an Ah, Ahe or Ap horizon with color values of 3.5-4.5 dry and chromas usually lower than 2 moist or dry. They have Ae, AB, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Gray Solod (G.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Ae, AB, Bnt, Ck, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They are associated with forest vegetation, a subhumid climate, and Dark Gray Luvisols developed in materials of lower salinity.

Gray Solods have an Ahe, Ae or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually lower than 2 dry. They have Ae, AB or BA, and solonetzic B horizons as specified for the great group. They do not have faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within the upper 50 cm.

Gleyed Brown Solod (GLB.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aegj, ABgj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They differ from Brown Solods by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Brown Solod (GLDB.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aegj, ABgj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They differ from Dark Brown Solods by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Black Solod (GLBL.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Aegj, ABgj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They differ from Black Solods by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Gray Solod (GLDG.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Aegj, ABgj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They differ from Dark Gray Solods by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Gray Solod (GLG.SO)

Common horizon sequence: Ahe, Aegj, ABgj, Bntgj, Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Solod great group. They differ from Gray Solods by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Vertic Solonetz (VSZ)

The soils of this great group have horizons that are characteristic of any of the other three great groups of Solonetzic soils. In addition, they have properties that indicate a intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically they have a slickenside horizon, the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak vertic horizon.

Brown Vertic Solonetz (B.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bn or Bnt, Bnvj or Bntvj, Bnss or Bntss or Cskss, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Brown Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They also have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bnss or Cskss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak vertic horizon (Bntvj).

Dark Brown Vertic Solonetz (DB.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bn or Bnt, Bnvj or Bntvj, Bnss or Bntss or Cskss, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Dark Brown Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and between 3.5-4.5 dry. They also have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bnss or Cskss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak Vertic horizon (Bntvj).

Black Vertic Solonetz (BL.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bn or Bnt, Bnvj or Bntvj, Bnss or Bntss or Cskss, Csk

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Black Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and dry and chromas usually less than 2. Also they have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bnss or Cskss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak vertic horizon (Bntvj).

Gleyed Brown Vertic Solonetz (GLB.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bngj or Bntgj, Bngjvj or Bntgjvj, Bngjss or Bntgjss or Cskgjss, Cskgj or Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Gleyed Brown Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values higher than 4.5 dry and chromas usually higher than 1.5 dry. They also have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bngjss, Bntgjss or Cskgjss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak Vertic horizon (Bngjvj or Bntgjvj). They differ from Brown Vertic Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Dark Brown Vertic Solonetz (GLDB.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bngj or Bntgj, Bngjvj or Bntgjvj, Bngjss or Bntgjss or Cskgjss, Cskgj or Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Gleyed Dark Brown Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and between 3.5-4.5 dry. They also have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bngjss, Bntgjss or Cskgjss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak vertic horizon (Bngjvj or Bntgjvj). They differ from Dark Brown Vertic Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Gleyed Black Vertic Solonetz (GLBL.VSZ)

Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae or AB, Bngj or Bntgj, Bngjvj or Bntgjvj, Bngjss or Bntgjss or Cskgjss, Cskgj or Cskg

Soils of this subgroup have a solonetzic B horizon as defined for the Solonetzic order and the properties specified for the Vertic Solonetz great group. Gleyed Black Vertic Solonetzs have either an Ah, Ahe, or Ap horizon with color values lower than 3.5 moist and dry and chromas usually less than 2. They also have properties that indicate intergrading to the Vertisolic order. Specifically, they have a slickenside horizon (Bngjss, Bntgjss or Cskgjss), the upper boundary of which occurs within 1 m of the mineral surface. They may also have a weak vertic horizon (Bngjvj or Bntgjvj). They differ from Black Vertic Solonetzs by having faint to distinct mottles that indicate gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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