Chapter 3: Key to Soil Great Groups
A. Cryosolic order
AA. Cryosolic soils that are formed primarily in organic materials and have permafrost within 1 m of the surface… Organic Cryosol
AB. Other Cryosolic soils that are formed in mineral materials, have marked evidence of cryoturbation, and have permafrost within 2 m of the surface… Turbic Cryosol
AC. Other Cryosolic soils that are formed in mineral materials, do not have marked evidence of cryoturbation, and have permafrost within 1 m of the surface… Static Cryosol
B. Organic order
BA. Organic soils that are formed primarily in upland organic (folic) materials, generally of forest origin, and are rarely saturated with water… Folisol
BB. Other Organic soils that are formed in relatively undecomposed organic materials and have a dominantly fibric middle tier… Fibrisol
BC. Other Organic soils that are formed in organic materials, are in an intermediate stage of decomposition, and have a dominantly mesic middle tier… Mesisol
BD. Other Organic soils that are formed in organic materials, are in an advanced stage of decomposition, and have a dominantly humic middle tier… Humisol
C. Vertisolic order
CA. Vertisolic soils that have either a surface color value of ≥3.5 dry if well to imperfectly drained or an Ah horizon <10 cm in thickness if poorly drained… Vertisol
CB. Other Vertisolic soils that have either a surface color value of <3.5 dry if well to imperfectly drained or an Ah horizon ≥10 cm in thickness if poorly drained… Humic Vertisol
D. Podzolic order
DA. Podzolic soils that have a Bh horizon ≥10 cm in thickness… Humic Podzol
DB. Other Podzolic soils that have a Bhf horizon ≥10 cm in thickness… Ferro-Humic Podzol
DC. Other Podzolic soils… Humo-Ferric Podzol
E. Gleysolic order
EA. Gleysolic soils that have a Btg horizon and usually have an eluvial horizon … Luvic Gleysol
EB. Other Gleysolic soils that have either an Ah horizon ≥10 cm in thickness or an Ap horizon ≥15 cm in thickness and have at least 2.0% organic C in the surface horizon… Humic Gleysol
EC. Other Gleysolic soils… Gleysol
F. Solonetzic order
FA. Solonetzic soils that have a slickenside horizon within 1 m of the mineral surface… Vertic Solonetz
FB. Other Solonetzic soils that have an Ae horizon 2 cm in thickness with a distinct AB or BA horizon (disintegrating Bnt)… Solod
FC. Other Solonetzic soils that have an Ae horizon ≥2 cm in thickness . . . Solodized Solonetz
FD. Other Solonetzic soils… Solonetz
G. Chernozemic order
GA. Chernozemic soils that have a surface color value of 4.5-5.5 dry and a chroma usually >1.5 dry… Brown Chernozem
GB. Other Chernozemic soils that have a surface color value of 3.5-4.5 dry and a chroma usually >1.5 dry… Dark Brown Chernozem
GC. Other Chernozemic soils that have a surface color value of <3.5 dry and a chroma usually ≤1.5 dry… Black Chernozem
GD. Other Chernozemic soils that have a surface color value of 3.5-4.5 (3.5-5.0 for Ap) dry, a chroma usually ≤1.5 dry, and characteristics indicating eluviation associated with soils formed under forest vegetation… Dark Gray Chernozem
H. Luvisolic order
HA. Luvisolic soils that have a forest mull Ah horizon and a mean annual soil temperature ≥8°C… Gray Brown Luvisol
HB. Other Luvisolic soils… Gray Luvisol
I. Brunisolic order
IA. Brunisolic soils that have an Ah or Ap horizon ≥10 cm in thickness and pH of ≥5.5 (0.01 M CaCl2)… Melanic Brunisol
IB. Other Brunisolic soils that have either no Ah horizon or an Ah (or Ap) horizon <10 cm in thickness and pH of ≥5.5 (0.01 M CaCl2)… Eutric Brunisol
IC. Brunisolic soils that have an Ah or Ap horizon ≥10 cm in thickness and pH of <5.5 (0.01 M CaCl2)… Sombric Brunisol
ID. Other Brunisolic soils that have no Ah horizon or an Ah (or Ap) <10 cm in thickness and pH of <5.5 (0.01 M CaCl2)… Dystric Brunisol
J. Regosolic order
JA. Regosolic soils that have an Ah or Ap horizon ≥10 cm in thickness… Humic Regosol
JB. Other Regosolic soils… Regosol
Source : The Canadian System of Soil Classification (Third Edition)