Polygon Attribute Table

Area of polygon (in coverage units)

This field contains meaningful land areas only when the coverage is in a projection that preserves area (such as Lambert's equal-area projection). For coverages in geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude), the area field is meaningless.

This field is found in all Polygon Attribute Tables produced by ARC/INFO.

Perimeter of the polygon (in coverage units)

This field contains approximately correct perimeter lengths when the coverage is in a projection that preserves distance as much as possible (such as Lambert's conic projection). For coverages in geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude), the perimeter field is meaningless.

This field is found in all Polygon Attribute Tables produced by ARC/INFO.

ARC/INFO's internal polygon number

This field is meaningless to most users. It is found in all Polygon Attribute Tables produced by ARC/INFO, and contains ARC/INFO's internally maintained polygon number.

This item name is related to the name of the coverage. If the coverage is renamed, it is modified by ARC/INFO to reflect the new name of the coverage (eg.1 to n).

ARC/INFO User's polygon number

This field is not used in NSDB coverages.

It is a user definable attribute field found in all Polygon Attribute Tables produced by ARC/INFO.

Canada Land Inventory Polygon Identifier

This polygon identifier is used to link the digital map data to attribute data in CLI files and other associated files. This number is not necessarily unique within the country. This identifier (i.e. a031f 343) contains two parts:

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