Gleysolic Static Cryosol (GL.SC)
Common horizon sequence: Om, Bg or Cg (or both), Cz
These Static Cryosols have developed in poorly drained areas under reducing conditions. The name Gleysolic, rather than Gleyed, is used because these soils are not equivalent in degree of gleying to Gleyed subgroups of other orders. Gleysolic subgroups of Cryosolic soils have evidence of gleying similar in degree to that of soils of the Gleysolic order. They are identified by the following properties:
- These soils have evidence of gleying in the form of low chromas or mottling to the mineral surface.
- Their surface mineral horizon, Bg or Cg,may be overlain by organic layers less than 40 cm thick.
Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.