Orthic Dystric Turbic Cryosol (OD.TC)
Common horizon sequence: Om, Bmy, BCy, Cgy, Omy, Cz
These acidic Turbic Cryosols have a low degree of base saturation, as indicated by their pH. They are identified by the following properties:
- These soils have a Bmy horizon and may have a Bm horizon less than 10 cm thick.
- The horizons are strongly disrupted by cryoturbation. Tongues of mineral and organic horizons, organic and mineral intrusions, and oriented stones commonly occur.
- These soils have a pH (0.01 M CaCl2) of less than 5.5 throughout the B horizons.
- The surface horizons are not strongly gleyed, but there is usually a gleyed horizon immediately above the permafrost table.
Orthic Dystric Turbic Cryosols have a Bmy horizon and subsurface organic (Omy, Ohy) or organic-rich, mineral horizons (Ahy). Surface organic horizons up to 15 cm thick, moder Ah horizons, and Bm horizons less than 10 cm thick may occur.
Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.