Solonetzic Gray Luvisol (SZ.GL)

Common horizon sequence: LFH, Ae, AB, Btnj, BC, C or Csk

These soils have the properties specified for the Luvisolic order and the Gray Luvisol great group. They differ from Orthic Gray Luvisols by having a Btnj horizon that indicates an intergrade to the Solonetzic order. The Btnj horizon usually has a harder consistence, more pronounced coatings on the prismatic or blocky peds, and a lower ratio of exchangeable Ca:Na than the Bt horizons of most Gray Luvisols. This subgroup is associated with saline parent materials. Solonetzic Gray Luvisols do not have an Ah or Ahe horizon 5 cm or more in thickness, and so the surface horizons do not meet the criteria for Dark Gray Luvisols.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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