Hemic Folisol (HE.FO)

Common horizon sequence: L, F, H, O, R, (M1)

Soils of this subgroup are composed dominantly of the moderately decomposed F horizon in the control section and may have subdominant H and O horizons, each less than 10 cm thick. They commonly have a lithic contact or fragmental layers but meet the requirements of the Folisol great group. The F horizon consists of partly decomposed folic material generally derived from mosses, leaves, twigs, reproductive structures, and woody materials containing numerous live and dead roots.

Hemic Folisols usually occur on upper slope shedding positions and commonly consist of shallow folic material over bedrock or fragmental material, or the folic materials may occupy voids in fragmental material. There may be a thin layer of mineral soil separating the folic horizon from bedrock or from the fragmental material.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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