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Typic Humisol (TY.H)

Common horizon sequence: Om or Oh, Oh

Soils of this subgroup have the general properties specified for the Organic order and the Humisol great group. They are composed dominantly of well-decomposed organic materials. They are identified by the following properties:

  1. The middle and bottom tiers, if present, are dominantly humic. A lithic contact may occur.
  2. They do not have terric, hydric, cumulic, or limnic layers within the middle tier.
  3. They have neither subdominant fibric layers with a total thickness greater than 12 cm nor subdominant mesic layers with a total thickness greater than 25 cm in the middle or bottom tiers (or in the middle and surface tiers if a lithic contact occurs in the middle tier).

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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