Ortstein Humic Podzol (OT.HP)

Common horizon sequence: LFH or O, Ae, Bh or Bhc, Bfc, Cgj

These soils have the general properties specified for the Podzolic order and the Humic Podzol great group. They differ from Orthic Humic Podzols by having an ortstein horizon at least 3 cm thick. An ortstein horizon is a Bh, Bhf, or Bf horizon that is strongly cemented and occurs in at least one-third of the lateral extent of the pedon. The ortstein horizon is designated as Bhc, Bhfc, or Bfc depending upon its organic C and extractable Fe content. Ortstein horizons are generally reddish brown to very dark reddish brown in color. Usually Ortstein Humic Podzols have L, F, and H or O horizons and an Ae horizon. They may have mottling that indicates gleying at any depth within the control section and placic or duric horizons or a fragipan.

Note: Diagnostic horizons are underlined.

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