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Detailed Soil Surveys Data Model

The detailed soil survey data available on this site has the following data structure. Click on each table to get its description.

Map Unit Table (MAPUNIT) Polygon Attribute Table (PAT) Soil Layer Table (LAYER) Soil Name Table(NAME) Component Table (CMP)
Select each table to get its description

Description - Detailed Soil Surveys Data Model

this graph shows the relationships and contents of five tables, the mandatory and optional fields are listed here.

there are four statements to describe the relationships among the tables

PAT has the following fields:

MAPUNIT has the following fields:

CMP has the following fields

NAME has the following fields

LAYER has the following fields:

The Detailed Soil Surveys Data Model is similar to the SLC Data Model:

Relation between the SLC Data Model and the Detailed Data Model. Description of this image follows.

Description - Relation between the SLC Data Model and the Detailed Data Model

this graph shows that the SLC data model is similar to the Detailed Soil Surveys Data Model

but the two models are not practically joined

the SLC data model has the structure

the Detailed Soil Coverage data model has a similar structure

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