Average depth to water table (subdominant soil landscape)

Attribute definition
Attribute Label WATABSUB
Title Average depth to water table (subdominant soil landscape)

This information was originally found in SLC version 1.0. It was translated to version 2.2 using a polygon intersection approach.

Classes Average depth to water table: 8 classes. Extended from the list of classes used in SLC v1.0. First used in SLC v2.2.

Code Class Description
1 0-2 m

Most shallow water table during growing season.

2 2-3 m

Depth to water table, average of 2-3m.

3 > 3 m

Depth to water table, average of > 3 m.

4 0-1 m

No difference during growing season

5 1-2 m

Depth to water table, average of 1-2 m.

6 0-1 m (frozen)

0-1 m with perennially frozen subsoil.

# Not applicable

Not applicable (water, ice, rock).

- Not identified

Depth to water table, average not identified.

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