Landscape Table




The Landscape Table (LAT) contains attributes of the polygon, and attributes which apply to the entire landscape represented by that polygon. All areas are in hectares.


Contents of dataset: slc_v2r2_canada_lat
Field Name Type Width Description
1 SL string 6 Soil Landscape Identifier
2 AREA_LAND integer 8 Area of land (applicable to the component table)
3 POLYGON_AREA integer 8 Area of the entire polygon
4 WATER_TOTAL integer 8 Area of Total Water (Fresh and Ocean)
5 WATER_FRESH integer 8 Area of Fresh Water
6 HYDRO_OCEAN integer 8 Area of Ocean Water shown on the HYDRO coverage
7 HYDRO_FRESH integer 8 Area of Fresh Water shown on the HYDRO coverage
8 SMALL_WATER integer 8 Area of Small Water Bodies (not shown on the SLC hydro coverage)
9 SMALL_LAND integer 8 Area of Small Land not part of the HYDRO coverage
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