Soil salinity rating (SK)

Attribute definition
Attribute Label SALSYM
Title Soil salinity rating (SK)

Soil salinity rating for entire soil polygon. A salinity rating that consists of a single numeric character indicates that it is a derived rating (not field mapped) and shows extent only; salinity degree for such ratings is considered moderate (4 - 8 dS/m).

Classes Salinity symbol (SK). Up to 4 columns.

First column
Code Class Description
0 0% of polygon affected

1 0 - 3% of polygon affected

2 3 - 10% of polygon affected

3 10 - 20% of polygon affected

4 20 - 40% of polygon affected

5 40 - 70% of polygon affected

6 >70% of polygon affected

Second column
Code Class Description
0 Nonsaline

Nonsaline (0 - 2 dS/m)

W Weakly saline

Weakly saline (2 - 4 dS/m)

M Moderately saline

Moderately saline (4 - 8 dS/m)

S Strongly saline

Strongly saline (8 - 16 dS/m)

V Very strongly saline

Very strongly saline (>16 dS/m)

Third or fourth column
Code Class Description
S Saline sides of hills

Saline soils occur on the sides of hills and slopes well above any slough or depression.

P Saline edges of depressions

Saline soils occur on the edges of depressions, sloughs or runways. All soils in the bottoms of depressions are leached and nonsaline.

I Saline upper slopes

Saline soil parent materials within 60 cm of the soil surface generally occur on knolls and upper slopes.

D Saline dissections

Saline soils occur throughout bottoms of dissections and small runways.

A Saline depressions

Saline soils occur throughout bottoms of depressions and sloughs.

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