Soil Landscape of Canada polygon coverage


This coverage indicates the boundaries of the SLC polygons. Linkages to attributes in related tables is through the PAT.

The SLC coverage has seen some cosmetic changes since version 2.1 (see the rationale). Polygon boundaries which formerly followed shorelines have been moved into the middle of those water bodies, except in those rare cases where the boundary was co-incident with an ecostratification boundary, or the SLC appeared as a water body in the HYDRO coverage but contained non-water components. Polygons that were 100% water were removed from this coverage and are now found only in the HYDRO coverage.

For further information about the changes to water, see the rationale.


  • To display information, the HYDRO coverage must be used in conjuction with this coverage.
  • To calculate areas of components, the COMPONENT table should be related to the LANDSCAPE table via the SL field. The area of any component is then equal to PERCENT from the COMPONENT table multiplied by the LAND_AREA from the LANDSCAPE table divided by 100.
  • To perform intersections with other datasets, the HYDRO coverage should be used to mask out the non-relevant areas from the SLC coverage.
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