Description of soil BCSTLvl~~~N (STEEPLAND 2)

General Characteristics
Classification O.EB

Orthic Eutric Brunisol

Profile Native soil profile

The soil is in native condition (undisturbed by agriculture).

Kind of material Mineral

The soil material is primarily composed of mineral particles.

Water table Never

The water table is not present in the soil at any time.

Root restrictions Fourth layer

The growth of plant roots is restricted by the fourth layer.

Type of root restricting layer Lithic

Lithic (consolidated bedrock)

Drainage Rapidly drained

Water is removed from the soil rapidly in relation to supply. Excess water flows downward if underlying material is pervious. Subsurface flow may occur on steep gradients during heavy rainfall. Soils have low available water storage capacity (2.5-4 cm) within the control section, and are usually coarse textured, or shallow, or both. Water source is precipitation.

Parent Materials
Mode of Deposition Texture Chemical properties
Uppermost Undifferentiated mineral

A sequence of more than three types of genetic mineral materials outcropping on a steep erosional escarpment. This complex class is to be used where units relating to individual genetic materials cannot be delimited separately at the scale of mapping. It may include colluvium derived from the various genetic materials and resting upon the scarp slope.

Medium Skeletal

Medium Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGSL, VGL).

Medium Acid to Neutral

pH 5.6 - 7.4

Below Undifferentiated

Bedrock, undifferentiated

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Soil Layer Characteristics

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