Description of soil MBSHHc~~~~A (Seech, taxonomic var.)

General Characteristics
Classification O.BLC

Orthic Black Chernozem

Profile Agricultural soil profile

The soil has been disturbed by agriculture.

Kind of material Unclassified

This material was not classified due to an absence of information or an unusual situation, such as rockland or an extremely shallow soil.

Water table Never

The water table is not present in the soil at any time.

Root restrictions No root restricting layer

The growth of plant roots is not restricted by any soil layer.

Type of root restricting layer n/a

Not Applicable

Drainage Rapidly drained

Water is removed from the soil rapidly in relation to supply. Excess water flows downward if underlying material is pervious. Subsurface flow may occur on steep gradients during heavy rainfall. Soils have low available water storage capacity (2.5-4 cm) within the control section, and are usually coarse textured, or shallow, or both. Water source is precipitation.

Parent Materials
Mode of Deposition Texture Chemical properties

Material moved by glaciers and subsequently sorted and deposited by streams flowing from the melting ice. The deposits are stratified and may occur in the form of outwash plains, deltas, kames eskers, and kame terraces. See also glacial drift and till.

Coarse Skeletal

Coarse Skeletal (USDA Texture Classes: VGS, VGLS).

Moderately / Very Strongly Calcareous

6 - 40 CaCO3 equivalent (%)

Soil Layer Characteristics

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