Description of soil MBTOT~~~~~A (Tolstoi)

General Characteristics
Classification GL.DGC

Gleyed Dark Gray Chernozem

Profile Agricultural soil profile

The soil has been disturbed by agriculture.

Kind of material Unclassified

This material was not classified due to an absence of information or an unusual situation, such as rockland or an extremely shallow soil.

Water table Always

The water table is always present in the soil.

Root restrictions No root restricting layer

The growth of plant roots is not restricted by any soil layer.

Type of root restricting layer n/a

Not Applicable

Drainage Imperfectly drained

Water is removed from the soil sufficiently slowly in relation to supply, to keep the soil wet for a significant part of the growing season. Excess water moves slowly downward if precipitation is the major supply. If subsurface water or groundwater, or both, is the main source, the flow rate may vary but the soil remains wet for a significant part of the growing season. Precipitation is the main source if available water storage capacity is high; contribution by subsurface flow or groundwater flow, or both, increases as available water storage capacity decreases. Soils have a wide range in available water supply, texture, and depth, and are gleyed phases of well drained subgroups.

Parent Materials
Mode of Deposition Texture Chemical properties
Uppermost Fluviolacustrine



Coarse (USDA Texture Classes: FS,LCS,LS,LFS,GLS,CBLS).

Weakly Calcareous

< 6 CaCO3 equivalent (%)

Below Till (Morainal)

Morainal material (till) deposited by glacial ice: a mixture of boulders, sand, silt, and clay.


Medium (USDA Texture Classes: VFSL,L,SIL,SI,GL,GSIL).

Moderately / Very Strongly Calcareous

6 - 40 CaCO3 equivalent (%)

Soil Layer Characteristics

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